MineRoyale.io Discord Information


Why Discord?

I am trying to build a MineRoyale.io community, and that means being able to talk directly with my player base! Discord is the go-to place at the moment for any game, so it was the obvious choice as a chat server. The Discord server is the place where I make announcements, where players can make suggestions, and where players can just casually chat about the game or share their accomplishments through screenshots!


The complete set of rules can be found in the Discord. The essential elements are: You should respect your fellow players, you should not spam, and you should contribute to the proper channels in a positive way! The discussion is more fun when everyone participates the way they should.


The Screenshots channel is the place to share your awesome wins! When the game ends, your stats are displayed on the screen, making it easy to share what happened in the game with other people. Particularly, it is fun to share when you achieve a game with lots of kills. Here are a few other challenges that you can share in the Screenshots section when you complete them:

No blocks challenge: play the game without mining any blocks

Sword/TNT/Bow only challenges: Win using only 1 weapon!

Of course, share your wins that have lots of kills

Here are a few awesome screenshots that have already been shared:


The Ideas channel is the place to submit all of your ideas for MineRoyale.io, big or small! I look closely at all of these ideas. I have already implemented some elements that users suggested, such as ores being less damaged by TNT and buffing the sword. I look forward to recieving your ideas for the game!


There are a few Roles that will soon be introduced to the server: Miners and Mods. The Miner role will be given to users who chat regularly and contribute positively to the server. You can see that you are chatting regularly using the Tatsumaki bot on the server. Mods will have one simple job: to make sure that discussions are remaining relevant to their respective channels. They will be able to mute players that do not contribute positively.


For the future, I want players to be able to sign into the game using their Discord accounts. This would make it possible to display your stats on the Discord server using a bot that I create. You can read about this in the game Roadmap. I also hope to keep adding roles, and possibly hosting competitions for users that are on the server. I could make prizes such as special Roles!

Want to learn more? Join the MineRoyale.io Discord to chat!